Electrical Diagnostics II - Chicago, IL

Electrical Diagnostics II - Chicago, IL


Class Details

Travel Info & Discounts


Refund Policy

In this course, students will continue their electrical knowledge growth by learning more about the electrical components and diagnostics of today's electrical systems.

By the end of this one-day class students will have hands on experience with the proper usage of the tools and methods to diagnose circuit faults correctly and efficiently. Upon Completion of the course the students will receive reference material for further self study and also a certificate of completion for the course.

Electrical Sensor Diagnostics

Electrical Sensor Diagnostics

Students will learn how different types of sensors operate and how to properly diagnose them.

Advanced Multimeter Functions

Advanced Multimeter Functions

We will explain the multimeter functions that were not explained during the Electrical Diagnostics I class, and when and how to use them.

Wiring Diagrams and Wiring Repair

Wiring Diagrams and Wiring Repair

Students will learn to read wiring schematics and schematic symbols. Students will also learn how to correctly repair wiring harnesses and connectors to avoid costly harness swap repairs.

Please Note - This class will be held at the NEW Diesel Laptops Training Center in Chicago, IL.

For those traveling, we have negotiated discounted hotel rates with the closest Hilton Garden Inn. Book here.

Travel Info & Discounts

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