Cojali Jaltest Training In-Person - Columbia, SC
Cojali Jaltest Training In-Person - Columbia, SC
Class Details
- Time: 8am - 12pm ET
- Location:
Diesel Training Columbia Site
94 N Shorecrest Rd
Columbia, SC 29209
Refund Policy
By the end of this half-day class students will have hands on experience with the proper usage of the Cojali Jaltest Software and how it integrates with Diesel Laptops exclusive software. Upon completion of the course the students will receive reference material for further self study and also a certificate of completion for the course.

Cojali Jaltest Software
After an introduction and overview of the program, students will learn how to launch and navigate the Jaltest software. By the end of the course, students will be able to read and clear codes, change engine parameters, and perform bi-directional functions such as DPF regenerations and cylinder cutout tests.

Diesel Laptops Exclusive Software
Students will also learn how to incorporate our exclusive software into their Jaltest workflow.

Hands-On Lab Instruction
In this portion of the class, students will get hands on experience using the Cojali Jaltest software on an actual vehicle. Students will change parameters, view live data, learn how to perform datalog recordings, and perform tests on real vehicles at our facility.